In the neighborhood of PROTESILAOS
The ARCHAEOLOGICAL footpath from the Mycenaean period in the Classical age
to the public
road Pteleos - Saint Theodore at kilometer point 8,6
from high school Grammatikeio Pteleos, Magnesia Greese
location, excavated in 1950 (f1
f2) by archaeologist
Nicholas M. Verdelis the expense of the Archaeological
Society of Athens vaulted ( tholos ) Mycenaean tomb.
The tholos tomb Ε is located on a hill which
appears to be intact.
The road (dromos) of the tomb is almost intact, too and is oriented to the east and departs
from the horizontal axis of the tholos.
It is 4.75m long, 1.54 wide and it narrows at the front of
the entrance of the tholos where it gets 1.05 m wide.
It is constructed with rough stones and it is 2 m high.
The orifice of the tholos is 1.15m high.
The width of road (dromos) is 0.84m near the floor of the
tholos and it is reduced to 0.57 m at the lintel.
The lintel consists of three slabs with total length of
The tholos has a diameter of 3.54 m and it is made of small
oblong stones.
It is preserved at a height of 3m. From the vertical axis of
the tholos as well as the curvature of the walls we can
estimate that the original height reached 3.50 m.
On the floor at the front of the entrance we can observe a
large pit that contains bones of five human skeletons
Απόδοση στην αγγλική γλώσσα : Κλείτσα Μαρίνα καθηγήτρια αγγλικής φιλολογίας
The site '' In the neighborhood of Protesilaos: The Archaeological footpath from the Mycenaean period in the Classical age'' created the title environmental program developed by our school